NaNoWriMo: 50,000 Words and Change

Jackie Pick

I finished.

For the second year in a row I NaNoed, I finished, and I finished early. To be fair, I am a self-described NaNo rebel; I didn’t write a novel. I wrote 25 essays (!) and worked on one short story which still remains largely unfinished. That short story is a disaster, more so than the essays. I have tasked myself with writing more short stories this year. Learning through doing.

I didn’t write a novel during NaNoWriMo because I don’t have an idea for a novel. I write essays because I have lots of ideas for those. I’ll keep waiting for the novel to come. It may not. I may not actually be a novelist. That’s ok.

But 50,000 words. 50,000 and change. Emphasis on change.

50,000 words don’t scare me. I am competitive, so I try to aim for more than the recommended daily 1667…

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